Sandy Spring Friends School



Springers Fund

The Springers Fund, Sandy Spring Friends School's  annual fund,  directly supports the unique and dynamic educational experience that SSFS offers. The Springers Fund supports every Springer, in every way, every day! Your generosity to the Springers Fund advances our mission to provide challenging academic curriculum, enriched arts programs, inclusive athletics, and service opportunities that promote intellectual excellence and strength of character. You make an impact! Together, we can reach our annual Springers Fund goal and ensure that our Springers have a transformational experience at Sandy Spring Friends School. 

1961 Society

Members of the 1961 Society (those who contribute annual donations at or above $1,961) support the School’s key priorities and transform the Sandy Spring Friends experience for everyone in our community.

Leadership donations (defined as annual donations of $1,961 or more) make up a significant portion of giving totals. They provide for Springers today and strengthen our foundation for the future. 

1961 Society Giving Circles
Pen Y Bryn Circle:
Yarnall Circle: 
$20,000 - $34,999
Hartshorne Circle:
$10,000 - $19,999
Clifton Circle:
$5,000 - $9,999
Tanglewood Circle:
$3,500 - $4,999
Walbrooke Circle:
$1,961 - $3,499

Join the 1961 society

What are the Springers Fund focus areas?

Springers Fund: Area of Greatest Need

This fund supports SSFS's more urgent needs and provide Administration the flexibility to serve the greatest needs that arise during the school year.

support our greatest need

Springers Fund: Athletics

This fund supports the needs of our Athletic department providing student athletics with the necessary coaching, training, facilities, and equipment. FY24 Springers Fund: Athletics donations supported the remodeling of the fitness center, a second field for softball, and the replacement of the Yarnall gym floor. This year, Springers Fund: Athletic donations will support bringing Quakerism into athletic programming, redesigning middle school uniforms, and exploring new athletic programming like tennis.

support athletics

Springers Fund: Arts

This fund supports our exceptional arts program from visual arts to performing arts, your donations to the Springers Fund: Arts lights up creative pathways for our students.

support arts

Springers Fund: Faculty/Staff Development

This fund supports the professional development needs of our esteemed faculty and staff, ensuring they remain at the forefront of their fields.

support ssfs faculty & staff

Springers Fund: Financial Aid

This fund supports the school in awarding over  $5,400,000 in financial aid benefiting over 260 students each year.

support financial aid