Sandy Spring Friends School



Building Community

We hold the idea of community in the highest regard. It’s an intentional commitment.

At Sandy Spring Friends School we believe in a diverse, collaborative, nonhierarchical community and put an emphasis on affirming and empowering the individual and examining all points of view. Forging strong connections among members of our school community is conducive to both intellectual growth (for understanding complex ideas) and social growth (for instilling respect for others and enabling all students to have an active voice and influence). This culture is guided by our abiding commitment to Quaker values—and a sense of belonging to this community remains with our alumni throughout their lives.

At A Glance



Peer mentorship programs in the Lower, Middle, and Upper School



Annual All-School All Day Events: Community Day & Our People, Our Planet (OPOP) Day




Community Groups made up of faculty, staff, and students from across all three divisions.



All-School Assemblies: Beginning of the Year, Winter, and End of Year Assemblies

Community Event Highlights

Throughout the year, we offer a number of opportunities to build community connections. Below are examples that bring our community members together:

Lower & Upper School Senior Buddies

Seniors and prek-1st grade students build the school community through the Senior Buddies program.

Preschool (Age 4)-1st grade students are paired up with a Upper School "Senior Buddy” who helps them become familiar with the SSFS community. “Buddies” attend all-school assemblies and Community Day events together, and have several lunches and recess play dates together throughout the year.

All-School Community Day

Students are building community on the farm during our Community Day event.

Community Day is a day when when all students, faculty, and staff set aside a day to serve, play, and reflect together. As a school, we divide into cross-division "Family Groups" made up of faculty, staff, and students from all three divisions.

SSFS Community Friends Day

Upper School and Lower School students pose for a photo during Friends Day, a school community building event

Every September, the Parents Association hosts Friends Day—a fun-filled day for all SSFS parents and students to gather on the SSFS campus to enjoy live music, meet new friends, enjoy good food, and have fun!

Alumni Alumni Weekend

Faculty and alumni pose for a photo during Alumni Weekend 2017

Each year, our alumni are invited back to campus for Alumni Weekend. The weekend is full of activity including a Strawberry Cowbake, Meeting for Worship, an Alumni Art Show & State of the School, Beestball, Lacrosse,
alumni parties, and more!


SSFS Community MLK Jr. Day

Students, Parents, and school community members participating in service during MLK Day.

On the third Monday of January, SSFS families and friends gather together on campus to celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr,  through a full-day of service and fellowship.


Faculty member leads a environmental project with students during an all-school community event.

Our People, Our Planet Day (OPOP Day) is a day dedicated to a dual focus of environmental literacy and greater understanding of the unique social, global, and cultural composition of all SSFS community members.