Sandy Spring Friends School



Upper School Culture Cafe Celebrates Brazil

Upper School Culture Cafe Celebrates Brazil

By Brian Brubaker, Upper School ESOL Teacher

The Upper School's Culture Cafe—sponsored by the OIEJB and organized by the US ESOL Department—highlights the cultural diversity of our Upper School student body by providing an opportunity for students to meet at lunch and connect in sharing the unique cuisine of an SSFS international student.

On Thursday, February 22, the Culture Cafe featured Brazilian food and culture, with the menu selected by 10th grader Eduardo Fryszer of Curitiba, Brazil. Guided conversation activities were also part of the lunch activities.  

Each Culture Cafe is open to 16 Upper School students, with preference in the first 8 slots given to students currently enrolled in an ESOL course.  All participants are chosen at random from those who sign up. Keep an eye out for more Culture Cafes to come! 

US Culture Cafe Celebrating Brazil
US Culture Cafe Celebrating Brazil
US Culture Cafe Celebrating Brazil
US Culture Cafe Celebrating Brazil