Sandy Spring Friends School



Re-Scheduled for APRIL 24: Documentary Screening and Discussion: "My Name is Pauli Murray"

Re-Scheduled for APRIL 24: Documentary Screening and Discussion: "My Name is Pauli Murray"
  • Before Rosa Parks and the bus boycotts, there was Pauli Murray.
  • Before Thurgood Marshall and Brown vs. Board of Education, there was Pauli Murray.
  • Before the Greensboro Four sit-ins and the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), there was Pauli Murray.

Pauli Murray was the first black female lawyer to graduate from Yale and an influential lawyer in the fight for social justice. Her legal writings not only greatly inspired Ruth Bader Ginsburg's work on gender equality, but her active defiance of existing Jim Crow laws and legalized segregation blazed a trail for more recognized members of the American Civil Rights movement.

On Monday, April 24 at 6:30 pm in Yarnall Library, the SSFS Inquiry Guides (IG) and the Office of Institutional Equity, Justice, and Belonging (OIEJB) will host a screening of “My Name is Pauli Murray'' followed by a panel of female lawyers who will discuss their own journey for justice. We hope to see you there!