In peace,
Tom Gibian
Head of School
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One thing we have learned over the past few months is that many of our favorite events can, in fact, transition to a virtual format. So while we remain hopeful that our fall traditions—Laps for Lexi, Grandfriends Day, the post-Thanksgiving Soccer Games and Turkey Trot—will take place on campus as they have in the past, we are also making plans that will allow us to gather virtually!
Please stay tuned for information about the fall calendar, which will include traditional events as well as celebrations of the long-time faculty who retired this year, events introducing incoming Head of School Rodney Glasgow to the community, an unveiling of the new Upper School building, alumni gatherings, and a party celebrating retiring Head of School Tom Gibian's tenure. Questions? Please contact Director of Advancement Lauren Mossman.
We are delighted to share that the launch of the inaugural Senior Passion Projects Program was a resounding success! On the evening of June 3, 2020, twelve seniors presented their projects via Zoom to a panel of special guest panelists, faculty, staff, alumni, and Trustees.
Thank you to the SSFS Parents Association Auction Committee—and especially PA Auction Co-Clerks Michelle Alonso and Alice-Ann Beachy—for making this year’s virtual "Glowing Together" Auction for financial aid a stunning success!
This year, we say goodbye to five faculty members who have made an immense impact on the SSFS community in their collective 131 years of service to the School. Please join us in bidding farewell to Bryan Seith, Elizabeth Channer, Tom Harrison, Aimee Farley, and Ellen Hartge.
The 2019-20 year is almost over...but we still need YOU to help us finish strong!
A contribution to the SSFS Annual Fund is more than a gift. It is an acknowledgement that we believe in the next generation of leaders. Join us today!
In addition to celebrating the Class of 2020’s graduation, the SSFS community came together to recognize our younger students who are moving up and moving on next year!
In addition to completing his second semester coursework virtually and preparing for graduation, Steven Silverglade ’20 has spent the past two months in the role of Technical Director of an online music festival called Block By Blockwest (BXBW).
Almost a full year has passed since SSFS completed its diversity audit, a comprehensive examination of our progress in fulfilling the diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) goals of our mission and strategic plan. It is a fair time to consider what progress has been made towards the action items spelled out in the report to the community distributed last fall.