Dear Friends,
As you might imagine, the development of the quarterly newsletter is a lengthy process—and the creation of this Spring 2020 newsletter began back in January, in what feels like another time.
So much of our news feed lately is dominated by the things we need to know NOW: safety precautions, new guidance and regulations, ideas on how to connect, learn, and maintain some level of normalcy. Sandy Spring Friends School has some important items to contribute to that conversation, too! Our note on "Building Community, Virtually" below contains links to valuable resources and updates on Sandy Spring Friends School's current operating model, and under "Join Us!" you'll see updates on some of the events that would normally be held in the coming months.
But we also have things to share that remain marvelous, exciting, welcome respites from the world around us. Visit the "Features" section to read about a recognition of past Board Clerk extraordinaire Curt Moffatt, the newest work by Ellen Prentiss Campbell '71, and a wonderful initiative undertaken by our Upper School Chinese Students Affinity Group. Take a look at the "Around Campus" section for articles about beloved teachers, achievements in the classroom and on the climbing wall, celebrations of art (performance and studio!), and news about our new Upper School. (A project, I note, which continues to move forward—as you can see by looking at the live-streamed construction camera!)
I hope that everyone is doing well and staying healthy as we move through uncharted territory. Please take the time for self-care, remember that we can still connect with and provide support and assistance for one another virtually despite our current period of "social distancing," and reach out to me at if I can be helpful in any way. In a moment of great uncertainty, it is reassuring to know that we are all holding each other—and the communities that surround us, near and far—in the Light.
In peace,
Tom Gibian
Head of School